abilityone programの例文


  1. Federal Investigations surrounding the AbilityOne program, and its central non-profit agency SourceAmerica, mirror the problems highlighted by Roosevelt s failed National Industrial Recovery Act.
  2. On May 18, 2016, Senator John McCain introduced language into the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 to discontinue Department of Defense contracting with the AbilityOne program and SourceAmerica until they can be reformed.
  3. The article started by "'Islandgurl "'in January 2007 is not accurate anymore and needs to be updated to be listed in Wikipedia as "'AbilityOne "'or "'The AbilityOne Program " '.
  4. During World War II the United States government began to purchase mops produced at the Austin Lighthouse under a contract made possible by the Wagner-O'Day Act of 1938, which became the Javits Wagner O'Day Act in 1971, and was renamed the AbilityOne Program in 2006.
  5. Fedcap graduates obtain jobs at private companies or with Fedcap in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D . C . The majority of the jobs we are able to offer are made possible through the New York State Preferred Source Program, New Jersey ACCSES, and the federal AbilityOne Program.


  1. "ability to work independently"の例文
  2. "ability to work well with others"の例文
  3. "ability unlimited"の例文
  4. "ability-to-pay principle"の例文
  5. "abilityone"の例文
  6. "abilitys"の例文
  7. "abilius"の例文
  8. "abiliy"の例文
  9. "abilkhan kasteev"の例文
  10. "abillama"の例文
  11. "ability-to-pay principle"の例文
  12. "abilityone"の例文
  13. "abilitys"の例文
  14. "abilius"の例文

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